Dec 25, 2007
Here are the videos we shot on the Survivor China Red
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at Lastly,...
Dec 21, 2007
This week we interview Todd Herzog. Todd won Survivor China and
this was a great opportunity to speak to him one more time and
clear up some of those mysteries from the last two episodes and ask
him some of those lingering questions several of you had posed
earlier in the season.
Listen to this interview to find out...
Dec 21, 2007
Well, it's finally here. This is our last Listener Feedback show
of the season. We love that so many of you took time out of your
busy holiday schedules to send in your comments on the finale.
The LF shows are where you get to co-host the show with us, share
your views on the most recent episodes and your predictions...
Dec 20, 2007
Hi Everyone,
Here are the pictures we snapped along with frame grabs of
video interviews from our adventure on the Red Carpet at the
Survivor China Finale.
Click the picture below to go to the gallery. You can run a
slideshow from there or step through the pictures one by one at
your own pace.
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Survivor... |
Dec 18, 2007
It's great to see two real Survivor fans in the final three. It certainly seemed like Amanda had a lock on it. Many listeners have been singing her praises from early in the game. You never quite know how the final tribal council will play out though. Sometimes the jury votes out of anger, other times they realize it's...