Apr 30, 2023
The fans continue to ask, "How is making the castaways starve to the point of degraded gameplay the recipe for great TV moments"? Nobody's buying it. Regardless, we're curious how long the voting along original tribal lines will continue and excited to see where the game is headed next.
We want to thank and acknowledge...
Apr 27, 2023
On day 16 they rested, and played "I Spy". Even though a new Immunity Idol entered the game, it didn't dominate the episode and we got more of our much loved Tribe Time! We enjoyed seeing them goof around and loved the insight into the multitude of voting strategies they considered as well as what they settled on....
Apr 23, 2023
We finally got a post merge episode with everyone voting, unencumbered with twists and silly advantages that resulted in a magnificent blindside. The fans really enjoyed it when production finally got out of the way and "let the players play"! We are all excited to see how the Three Stooges alliance responds in the...
Apr 20, 2023
We got another single day cycle this week, and we got some quality tribe time combined with some excellent insights into how the game decisions were impacting each castaway. What did you think of this week's vote out choice? The original tribal divisions seem to still be big factors in the current alliances. Who do you...
Apr 16, 2023
This was an emotional episode, and it elicited a range of responses from the fans. Some were happy with the end result, and others, not so much. Survivor's not a fair game by any stretch, but sometimes it can seem downright brutal in it's outcomes. In any case, we're excited to see how the battle lines are drawn now,...