Oct 31, 2013
The fate of the Baskauskas brothers continues to be a prominent
story line since the tribal shuffle. Aras is now officially on the
outside of a final 5 alliance. Vytas continues to scrape by because
his weaker tribemates have a knack for self destructing once the
pressure is applied. Meanwhile, Tina and Katie somehow manage to
float by without ever becoming the topic of conversation. It is
time for another twist. Brace yourself, the merge is coming.
Do you think Hayden made the right choice? Who would you most like
to see return from RI? Who do you think is actually most likely to
return? Who stands the best chance to form the controlling alliance
after the merge? Will the person returning from RI be able to
really rejoin the game or will they be an easy, post merge vote out
pick? Who is your pick for the next one to be voted out?
Here are the tribes after episode 7.
New Galang:Katie, Monica, Tina and Vytas
New Tadhana:Aras, Caleb, Ciera, Gervase, Hayden and
Redemption Island:John, LauraB and LauraM
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at joannandstacyshow@gmail.com. Listener Feedback is due by Saturday 5pm PST. Please keep it to 3 minutes or less.
00:00 Date
00:04 Blood in the Water by Russ Landua
00:34 Introductions
35:30 NToS
42:05 JSFL Update
45:18 Ancient Voices 27 Blood vs. Water by Russ Landau
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Jo Ann and Stacy