Sep 28, 2014
Many of us entered into this season with a bit of apprehension given the uncertainty of the cast but hungry for more Survivor. The verdict is in, and on the whole, you seemed happy with the first episode. Past seasons have set a high bar, and while this one did not exceed those standards, we found much to enjoy and were happy to have the episode not center on the built in drama. Now it is time to see how you did with your JABBIC predictions and weigh in on what you think of the cast now that we finally got to see them in action. Jeremy and Val remain majority favorites, but some of you think they might have overplayed their hand.
For each episode, we provide 3 podcasts: an episode recap, an
interview with the castoff, and a chance for Survivor fans like
yourself to sound off on what you saw and how you think the
castaways are fairing in the game. Seventeen fans shared their
thoughts on episode 1 and predictions for what we'll see next.
We want to thank and acknowledge everyone who contributed to
another great Listener Feedback show. This week we heard from:
Alice, Becca, Jill, Bill, Carolyn, Nicola, Samantha, Drew, Florida
Boy, Aaron, Sandi, Rashmi, BrandonA, Marla, Josh, Jeremiah and
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at
00:00 Date
00:04 Ancient Voices 29 San Juan Del Sur mix by Aaron from
00:39 Introductions
01:27 Alice from Sarasota, Florida
03:43 Becca from Illinois
05:41 Jill from the Outback
08:20 Bill from Orlando, Florida
09:57 Carolyn from the Beautiful Bronx
13:48 Nicola from Lexington, KY
16:03 Samantha from Texas
19:39 Drew from Utah
23:13 Florida Boy
25:53 Aaron from Granville
31:19 Sandi from Atlanta
32:33 Rashmi from Perth, Australia
35:25 BrandonA from Cleveland, Ohio
37:06 Marla from Illinois
38:32 Josh the Plush Moose from Massachusetts
40:51 Jeremiah from St. Louis, Missouri
42:35 Paul from Louisiana
45:04 Wrap Up
54:05 Ancient Voices 29 San Juan Del Sur mix by Aaron from
Links for Today's Show
Visual Roster for Survivor San Juan Del Sur
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SFP on Twitter
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Contact Info:
Survivor Fans Podcast
P.O. Box 2811
Orangevale, CA 95662
Jo Ann and Stacy