Apr 28, 2009
It's our 300th podcast and we're so glad you could join us! Thanks
to that last episode, we had some great topics to discuss. The
blindside of Tyson and Sierra was the subject of much delight.
There was lots of alternate theories proposed for how it would play
out next too. Who's really calling the shots: Erinn or...
Apr 25, 2009
This week we interviewed Tyson Apostol. He left the game in episode
10 of Survivor Tocantins. Tyson was this season's powerhouse
physical threat, so it makes sense that they would jump at the
chance to take him out the first time he didn't win individual
Listen to this interview to find out why he was drawn...
Apr 24, 2009
Turns out Sierra was blindsided at Tribal council after
allafterall. Fans of the show recognize extreme overconfidence as a
danger sign but those that aren't as familiar with this history
seem doomed to suffer through it, again and again and again. Tyson
certainly just became our new poster boy for gloating all
Apr 21, 2009
Oh yeah. You knew there would be a lot of folks that wanted to talk
about the last episode. Most of us feel like we got blindsided
right along with Brendan, and coach provided so much material that
many of you self edited to avoid showering him with more attention.
Many of you aren't buying the previews and think...
Apr 18, 2009
This week we interviewed Brendan Synncott. He left the game in
episode 9 of Survivor Tocantins. Brendan's showdown with Coach made
for high drama, and we really got see another side of him when we
spoke with him today.
Listen to this interview to find out why he admitted to having the
HII, more details about exile...