Jan 28, 2006
We're really glad you could join us for our Exile Island preview show!
Can you believe this is our 50th podcast?
And what better way to hit a milestone show, than to get together and speculate on the contestants for a fresh, new season.
We had some great participation for this show too. Many thanks to Bob, Fancy, Hanna, Christiana, Drew, Brad, and Sandi. They all fearlessly dove in and put their picks out to share with all of us.
It's not too late if you want to take a stab at predicting how they'll all do this season. We'd love to hear from you, and we've got several ways you can join in and participate. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an audio comment and send it to us via email at joannandstacyshow@gmail.com. With either of those options, we can include your audio directly into the special Listener Feedback shows.
You can also send us your input in an email, and we'll read it into the show when we record. Lastly, there's a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see.
If you haven't had a chance to catch the teaser commercials or
the cast introduction on the CBS early show, you can check out both
of them by downloading this video clip we put together for
Island Promo Combo Video
Hint: Save it to your computer so you can watch it as many times as
you want.
The music this week entitled "On the Grill" is intended to get
you mentally ready for the preview show. Here's a link to the
artist in case you want to learn more about him.
On the Grill by madsumo