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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 47, their 38th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

Dec 16, 2016

This week we interviewed Jay Starrett, Bret LaBelle and David Wright. Jay placed 6th, Bret 5th, and David 4th in the finale of Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X. They will be remembered for their standout gameplay. Jay's story ranged from charismatic leader of a majority alliance to scrappy underdog. Bret lost control early in the game but leveraged his social game to stay afloat till the end, and David transformed himself from a basket case to to a feared strategy powerhouse. We enjoyed watching all of them play.

Listen to this interview to hear how they were chosen, about scenes they wish had been shown, more details on that awesome fake idol and lots more!

If you enjoyed this interview, check out our others here:

Links for Today's Show
Jay at CBS
Bret at CBS
David at CBS
Survivor Fever: Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X

Contact Info:

Voicemail: 206-350-1547


Survivor Fans Podcast
P.O. Box 2811
Orangevale, CA 95662

Jo Ann and Stacy

*Image is copyright and courtesy of CBS