Sep 26, 2009
This week we interviewed Betsy Bolan and Mike Borassi. They left
the game in episode 2 of Survivor Samoa. She became Russell's
second victim, and Mike went out for medical reasons.
Listen to this interview to find out how long it took Mike to
recover, why Betsy didn't placate Russell and lots more as we sit
down for a 20 minute chat with two real Survivor fans that made it
on to the show!
If you are not a subscriber to the Survivor Fans Podcast, you
can click the Listen Now button on the webpage and the interview
will download and play on your computer.
If you enjoyed this interview, check out our others here:
Links for Today's Show
Betsy at CBS
Mike at CBS
Survivor Samoa
News at Survivor Fever
Links News Archive at Sir Linksalot
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