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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 47, their 38th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

Mar 11, 2005

Greetings Survivor Fans!

It's Thursday night and time for our our fifth show. First, we're both thrilled that Ulong finally did something as a team and gave Kim the boot! How do lazy people like that get cast to be on the show? I guess she fooled quite a few people along the way and really knew how to say just the right things to be selected. I bet she put more effort into getting chosen for the show than she did while she was there on the island.

We came across a really interesting Survivor site this past week that we wanted to share with you. If you've ever thought you might want to be a contestant on the show you'll want to check it out. It's called Pygmy Island. The tag line is, "Out Write, Out Tape, Out Cast". It's dedicated to helping you prepare the best audition tape and interview to get you on the show. People who have applied for the show share their experiences. There was one really detailed account that we both enjoyed reading that described the trials and tribulations of a woman that almost made it to the final cut. It was very insightful and you'll enjoy it if you like behind the scenes information or just want some suggestions for when it's time to apply for season 12. :)

We know Ulong is adrift as a team now with little hope of recovering. But it was interesting to get a little more insight into how Koror is shaping up this week too. Sounds like the lines are being drawn. The majority is Tom, Ian, Katie, Greg, and Jen on one side. The Koror minority is Coby, Caryn, Janu, and Willard. Unfortunately, it's not clear at this point that they'll ever be tested. I think Ulong now holds the record for a team with the most consecutive losses in any season of the show. From the previews for next week, it looks like things won't be getting any better for them either.

Here's our picks for who'll go next. If it's Ulong, then we're going to say that James will go next. He really annoyed the ladies this week and they won't forget it. If a miracle happens and Koror ends up at tribal council, then we think it will be Caryn instead of Willard now. She's proven herself to be equally weak and she's definitely a lot more annoying.

Who do you think would have won in an island sumo match between Janu and Angie, or how about a battle of weaklings with Kim vs. Caryn?

Who's your pick for the next to leave, and who's going to win it all?

The quickest and easiest way to participate is our new voicemail number. Leave us a message at 206-350-JASS(5277). Or you can always add a comment to this show or send us an email at:

Jo Ann and Stacy