Mar 20, 2008
The producers appear to have found a way to avoid those awkward unpopular double elimination episodes. They just make sure to stack the tribes with people who can't hack it. Would you have ever thought that we would see a worse quitter than Osten from Pearl Islands? It's easy to think given the multitude of recruits in past seasons that it might happen, but who would have guessed that we would be subjected to one on a season of supposed "Super Fans"?
Unfortunately, we're faced with another quitter this week. What were your thoughts on how Kathy left? What did you think of Ozzy's performance this week? How about Cirie? Do you think her negative campaign against Ozzy is having an affect on Amanda? Do you think a fan still has a chance to win this season?
Check out these Hidden Scene videos from Episode 7
Secret Scene with Tracy on Exile Island