Mar 24, 2011
Stephanie's gameplay may be lacking, but she might just have a
future as a weather girl. As she predicted, a storm has settled
over Zapatera. The cracks in the Zapatera 6 appeared to widen this
week. We were treated to a new view of Sarita as the weakest member
of the tribe. Several of her tribemates mentioned that she was
annoying and referred to her as a princess, an "uptown girl" and
someone who was not really suited to the game. The gap between her
and David widened even further as he actively lobbied to vote her
out. Who will they turn on next now that they are down to six?
What did David gain from arguing to keep Stephanie? How do you
think it affected his standing with his alliance? Do you think
Andrea has given up on reuniting with Matt? Will sharing the HII
clue with Phillip be Rob's undoing? Will evil Stephanie finally
upset good Matt at Redemption Island?
Here are the tribes after episode 6.
Ometepe:Andrea, Ashley, Grant, Natalie, Phillip
and Rob
Zapatera:David, Julie, Mike, Ralph, Sarita and
Redemption Island Duel:Stephanie vs. Matt
Jo Ann's sticking with her prediction that Phillip will be voted out. Stacy thinks David is on the chopping block. Who is your pick for the next one to be voted out?
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at Lastly, there's a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see.
The new version of Ancient Voices for this season is available
in iTunes!
00:00 Date
00:04 Ancient Voices Redemption Island by Russ Landau
00:25 Introductions
36:01 NToS
43:46 JSFL Update
47:40 Ancient Voices Redemption Island by Russ Landau
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Jo Ann and Stacy