Mar 25, 2011
This week we interviewed Krista Klump. She left the game in episode
6 of Survivor Redemption Island. Krista's youth turned out to be a
disadvantage with a predominately older tribe. When she aligned
with Russell and Stephanie, she sealed her fate and was left with
little opportunity to save herself.
Listen to this audio interview to hear how she chose her alliance,
how she felt about her edit, what she and Matt discussed at
Redemption Island and lots more!
If you are not a subscriber to the Survivor Fans Podcast, you
can click the Listen Now button on the webpage and the interview
will download and play on your computer.
If you enjoyed this interview, check out our others here:
Links for Today's Show
Krista at
Redemption Island at Survivor Fever
Links News Archive at Sir Linksalot
Contact Info:
Survivor Fans Podcast
P.O. Box 2811
Orangevale, CA 95662
Jo Ann and Stacy
*Image is copywrite and courtesey of CBS