May 14, 2006
We got enough responses to do a special Saturday version of the
Listener Feedback show. We really enjoyed hearing what some of you
thought of the final four cliffhanger.
This episode we hear from: Paul, Jason, Mallory, Sandi, and Bob
We're planning on recaping the finale and including your reactions during the normal Listener Feedback show on Tuesday.
It's been another great season of Survivor and we're looking forward to wrapping it up with your help. We look forward to hearing from all the regulars and hopefully a few new folks too. :)
We've got several ways you can join in and participate. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an audio comment and send it to us via email at With either of those options, we can include your audio directly into the special Listener Feedback shows.
You can also send us your input in an email, and we'll read it into the show when we record. Lastly, there's a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see.
We liked the intro music for this episode because it works well
regardless of who specifically your hoping wins the firemaking tie
breaker. The outro music is also dedicated to both Cirie and
Danielle as they battle to break the Tribal Council tied vote.
Here's a link to the artists in case you want to learn more about
Kill Her Off by The Ropes
Friendly Fire by Jim Fidler