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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 47, their 38th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

May 22, 2016


It's time to wrap up our thoughts on Kaoh Rong. The season on the whole got great reviews, but the finale left a lot of folks confused or disappointed. They were just sure that Aubry was going to win based on her story arc and the lack of detail to support Michele's comeback win. If you believe in a "winner's edit", this was a tough one to swallow, because Michele's positivity and superb social game were hard to convey in contrast to all the big personalities, dramatic events, and that scene stealer Mark the Chicken!

We want to thank and acknowledge everyone who contributed to another great LF show. This week we heard from: Pete, Meredith, Samantha, Pam, Jill, JK, Joe, Nicola, Carolyn, JohnnyMac, Thomas, Marla-n-Sarah, Frank, Drew, LC, Parker, BrandonA, MikeK, Kenny, Ed, Rashmi, James, Ronda, Shannon, Jen, PaulS, Michael, JD, Jeremiah, Josh, and Paul.

We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at

We'll be back in September with our JABBIC show for season 33, Survivor: Millennials Vs. Gen X.

00:00 Date
00:04 Ancient Voices 32 Kaoh Rong mix by Aaron from Granville
00:20 Introductions
01:28 Pete from Boston, Massachusetts
07:27 Meredith from Italy
12:09 Samantha from Texas
16:04 Pam from Bloomington, Minnesota
17:58 Jill from the Outback
21:16 JK from Rhode Island
25:47 Joe from Huntersville, North Carolina
27:17 Nicola from Lexington, Kentucky
29:08 Caroyn from the Beautiful Bronx
32:15 JohnnyMac from Boston
32:57 Thomas from East York
34:31 Marla-n-Sarah from Illinois
36:32 Frank from ?
40:04 Drew from Utah
43:26 L.C. from ?
48:35 Parker from Indiana
49:14 BrandonA from Cleveland, Ohio
51:49 MikeK from SoCal
55:35 Kenny from Dallas, Texas
61:01 Ed from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
63:23 Rashmi from Perth, Australia
65:59 James from Charleston, South Carolina
68:43 Ronda from Portland, Oregon
72:24 Shannon from Charleston, South Carolina
72:55 Jen from California
76:16 PaulS from ?
77:22 Michael from Utah
80:34 JD from Peoria, Illinois
82:45 Jeremiah from St. Louis, Missouri
86:35 Josh the Plush Moose from Massachusetts
89:51 Paul from Louisiana
92:57 Wrap Up
103:11 Ancient Voices 32 Kaoh Rong mix by Aaron from Granville

Links for Today's Show
Paul's Visual Roster for Survivor Kaoh Rong
Survivor Fans Podcast Fans group on Facebook
SFP on Twitter

Contact Info:

Voicemail: 206-350-1547

Toll Free Voicemail: 844-643-8737


Survivor Fans Podcast
P.O. Box 2811
Orangevale, CA 95662

Jo Ann and Stacy