Nov 22, 2012
Now that the evil trio were not calling the shots, it was time
for the "good guys" to step in and take charge. Lisa finally dumped
Abi, and it was certainly interesting to see how Abi managed that
as well as all the information she received at tribal council about
how she is perceived by others. We got to see her and Pete scramble
like never before, but it was too little too late. Who do you think
did the most work to improve their chances to win this week? As
Penner explained to Abi, she is not going to win now, but does that
fact change her value to her tribemates? .
Does it make the most sense to eliminate Abi next? Do you think
Penner missed a big opportunity? What did you think of the new
final four alliance? Do you think they will last till the end? Who
is most likely to cause it to fall apart? Who wins in a final two
scenario between Skupin and Malcolm? How about Skupin and Denise?
Who do you think will be the next to be voted out?
Here is the merged tribe after episode 10.
DangRayne:Skupin, Abi, Carter, Denise , Lisa,
Malcolm, and Penner
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00:00 Date
00:04 Ancient Voices Philippines by Russ Landau
00:34 Introductions
51:20 NToS
54:07 JSFL Update
61:00 Ancient Voices Philippines Extended Version by Russ
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